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Rohan Website

World class professional web Developer

Hi there. I'm a freelance Web Developer that specializes in Squarespace. If you want some extra customization for your page, or you want someone to set it up the first time, I'm your guy! For the past 8 months, I've been creating Squarespace sites for businesses of all sizes. No project is too big or too small. My specialty is to consult with you to set up and design your page and then train and hand off the page for you to continue on your own with minimal help going forward. I'm also available to do recurring work updating your page regularly as well as one on one training sessions.


Big Dream

Become world 's no.1 Developer

We are seeking a front-end web developer to build new web pages and improve our company website. The right person for this role will be proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. You will be responsible for building and deploying new front-end features to our WordPress website, handling the integration of plugins such as WooCommerce, and performing routine maintenance of our site.



Full Stack Web Developer

2021-Present |Pro Level Web Developer

Front-end development is programming done on the front end of a website – the part that people view and interact with. Front-end developers are in charge of the complete user interface as well as the application's aesthetic design. Front-end developers are critical in ensuring that users have a good experience every time they browse a site since websites are more effective when they appear professional and work efficiently. Front-end developers typically employ CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML because these languages are essential for website design. Some of the languages used are mentioned below.

Baby Web Developer

2020-2021|programming Hero Learner

The corporate world can be very daunting or very demanding, especially when you are a fresher. From a comparatively plain sailing journey of a college/university life to a highly competitive working environment, the transition is never easy. Yet I can tell you that getting into the battleground is damn exciting. You get to learn technologies that you might have never heard of, learn stuff from the elites out there and the best of all; you feel important because your code and your effort matters to the company.and HTML because these languages are essential for website design. Some of the languages used are mentioned below.